Constitutional reforms in Costa Rica

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Alvis González-Garita


Within the daily convulsive living in which the topics of every day are discussed in relation to the national and international financial situation; insecurity in our countries under attacked by the scourge of drug trafficking, organized crime, domestic corruption, the real threat of a universal aggressive pandemic, famines and climate change, as well as the changes that have emerged in Central American democracies, which are now debated even in the face of the possibility of armed uprisings and de facto governments; in the midst of all this, it has gravitated in the Costa Rican environment an issue that actually requires a fundamental interest in order for it to be raised and treated with citizen and legal rigor, rather than political.

The need for constitutional reform has been talked about for twenty years or more, and discussion is always on that: a simple discussion without clear conclusions or definitions; the letters are scattered along the way and sometimes the honors of some who have dared to propose the variation of a status quo. Tensioners of whether this possible reform would lead to the pursuit of presidential re-election, for example, resolved in a way for some inappropriate; for others it was the right one, but that in the end what was corresponding was resolved, not without forgetting that this issue has now become again a taboo matter, since re-election in many of our countries, especially the southern cone, has been involved in legal norms and in Central America several attempts have been made, most with claims to take over power by modern pseudo warlords that use in most cases examples of true historical heroes without even being able to emulate them timidly.


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How to Cite
González-GaritaA. (2020). Constitutional reforms in Costa Rica. Acta Académica, 45(Noviembre), 43-48. Retrieved from
Foro Nacional